» Register Your Event for 2021-22

If you are a Gymnastic enthusiast and a lover of sports, then you might know what is about. And even if you don’t, let me mention that the website provides a free service that offers the customers to publish and view gymnastic scores. So that they can show their capabilities and also be noticed by people for opportunities. One can post both past and live scores on It is straightforward to navigate the site and is a leading site in its field of work. allows its users to register their events on the site. However, for that, the users have to follow certain steps. Before going into the details of these steps for getting one’s event registered on the site, you can go through the article available on this site to know more about the process of online registration and sign-ups.

Registering your event on

To register your event on, you should have an account on their website. Having an account will help you immensely in registering your event, as once you log in to your account, you will have access to all your past events and be able to edit or delete them at your convenience. You can also look at the article MeetScoresOnline to know the basic details of the site that would help you navigate through it easily. 

For registering your event, after you have logged into your account, you need to follow the below steps:

  1. As the first step, you will have to click on ‘New Event Registration.’
  2. On the next page, you will be shown a form where you will need to fill in the page’s details. 
  3. You will have to provide your event name on this page. Ensure it is the official name of your event, as the event will be registered under this name only.
  1. Next, you will need to provide the type of event you are registering on and the start and end date of the event, and the website linked to the same.
  2. You will then need to give a detailed location of where your event will be hosted. You will also need to provide the club’s name that is hosting your event and your contact details. 
  3. The last part of registering your event on is to provide a short description of the same. Though this step is optional, it will be better if you fill it up as it would give the site owners a better understanding of the type of event you will be holding. 

Upon completing the form fill up, you will have to click on ‘Save your Registration,’ and your data will be saved. While being on the topic of registration, you can look at my card statement and quickpayportal to know more about how online payment works and how you can do it without any hassle. 


One of the best features of MeetScoresOnline is that users may make their own profile and highlight their achievements and skills. With, you will be able to not only register for your event online, but also post your results live on the web. This will allow you to reach out to more people who are interested in gymnastics and expand your opportunities in the industry.

At MSO, there is an MSOA gymnastics membership area. It includes news and articles that inform gymnasts about upcoming competitions, tournaments, and meetings, as well as how they can enhance their performance. MSO appeals to many gymnasts because it is free to join and gives essential information for their athletic development.

Have questions about historical scores, shaded scores, all-around scores, Streaming scores? Or Suggestions? Leave them in the comment box below!

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